Wednesday 30 September 2015

Langdale Pikes and Bow Fell

This was the second walking trip this year and once again had the most fantastic weather making the walking much safer and the views more spectacular. We decided to start off on the Langdale horseshoe and see where it took us. Walking up the Dungeon Ghyll to Harrison Stickle started to remind me how much fitter i could be. I had forgot how dramatic it was and was a great start to a brilliant day.
As we reached the top the peaks have a great prominence in the valley and then opens out towards High Raise. We progressed downwards now before a rise again to Rossett Pike.
We were around 4/5 hours in now but still had some walking in us and were keen to complete the day with Bow Fell. I saw a path from the tarn and we set off but as we got ccloser the path was not well formed and with the others in front we were on the way to Esk Hause before we knew it. It was a good climb up and i was starting feeling it now but after a Red Bull (no vodka this time) i seemed to have a second wind and the climb to the top of Esk pike didn't seem too bad.
As i arrived on the summit my confidence grew massively as i saw a straight forward walk to the top of Bow fell. A quick photo of Andy and Tala and i was off strifding up to Bow Fell. The top of which was awesome with brilliant views all around that will inspire many more walks in the future.
It was just down now which for me i felt good about but it was exceptionally steep and a lot longer than i expected, whew i was pleased i had not come up this way. Dave struggled with a tendon in his leg which made things harder and a long route down the band. However after 9 hours we were all shattered but safely in the Old Dungeon Ghyll with a pint.

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