Saturday, 15 June 2019

New boots and no blisters

As i walked up to Blacks this morning they had just opened the doors and i managed to get a new pair of boots with few shoppers about. If the past was anything to go by then I was almost guaranteed blisters today. I Headed straight off to Blencathra as the weather forecast was for rain moving in this afternoon. It was straight up from the off and for an hour was quite relentless. The cloud then came in and that made it even more relentless.
It was such a shame on the top that there was so much cloud. I was walking so close to the edge and i am sure the scenery would have been fantastic. However made it to the top and just turned around for the decent. I was amazed when i took the boots off - shattered but no blisters - excellent.
It felt like just a tick which i am trying hard not to do so i had a quick look at which hills i want done and there only 8 left for the top 20 in England - There's the next challenge then!

Keswick visit

We had an away day this week with work on the Banks of Derwent water, what a great place to visit.
While i am here i thought i would make the best of it and while everyone headed home, i headed for the top of Skiddaw. It was tough from the start but as i got over the shoulder it started to even out a little before i could see Little Man in front of me. A last pull up to the top and the views were great all down the valley.
I could now see Skiddaw although not quite the trig point yet so pushed on. The wet weather of the week had left and i had great viws on all sides. The trig point soon came up as i reached after the first top and a great view out to sea. The walk down wasn't without it's hassles as my boots decided to give up as the sole on my left became detached and i flapped back into the car park. That'll give me a job to get some new boots for tomorrow - i hope they don't rub and better take the Compede's incase.