Saturday, 13 March 2010

1st Joint Practice

Today was the first joint practice session that had been postponed due to the snow. We had decided to try Bradgate Park in Leicestershire because they have a number hills although they are only 250 meters high and 8 miles it was very similar to the three peaks itself albeit only approx 30%.

The objective was to get used to walking with each other, make sure we tested the kit and work out our strengths and weaknesses. With only a 3 hour parking ticket on the car the challenge was set.

We started off strong and made the first hill quite quickly. Dom was feeling fresh and paced it out. A little faster than I would normally walk but I kept up well and it was good for the fitness. Dom has a pace a little longer and as we made it to the top of the third peak I was feeling the pressure but we made it to the top in a perfect hour and half and took a breather to see the sites.

The trip back was much more interesting. We came down and through the village well with my feet hurting a little and Dom feet feeling a little raw but not a show stopper. It was about 2 hours in and were relaxing a little when the doubts started to come in and feel sorry for ourselves. Exactly what stops you walking. However within a few minutes it was uphill again all the way back and to take his mind off it Dom struck for home. I managed to stick close but had a great view!

After the last push we had a break again and a chance for a look at the view.

From here it was downhill all the way and to keep the fitness going we struck out for home running a good stretch of the way. 2 hours 50 minutes in some lovely countryside and weather was a job well done to give us a bit more confidence.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Still training - a bit

The feet seem to be still giving me some jip. One day they are OK and the next painful however I have been trying to mix a bit of rest but still exercising. Harlestone firs is taking a pounding and I feel as fit as the last time I did the walk - apart from the feet of course. I have dusted down the bike this week and pumped up the tyres and been out on a couple of trips hopefully I can increase this.

Dom and I are planning the practice trip again for this weekend, hopefully it won't snow this time!