The objective was to get used to walking with each other, make sure we tested the kit and work out our strengths and weaknesses. With only a 3 hour parking ticket on the car the challenge was set.
We started off strong and made the first hill quite quickly. Dom was feeling fresh and paced it out. A little faster than I would normally walk but I kept up well and it was good for the fitness. Dom has a pace a little longer and as we made it to the top of the third peak I was feeling the pressure but we made it to the top in a perfect hour and half and took a breather to see the sites.
The trip back was much more interesting. We came down and through the village well with my feet hurting a little and Dom feet feeling a little raw but not a show stopper. It was about 2 hours in and were relaxing a little when the doubts started to come in and feel sorry for ourselves. Exactly what stops you walking. However within a few minutes it was uphill again all the way back and to take his mind off it Dom struck for home. I managed to stick close but had a great view!
After the last push we had a break again and a chance for a look at the view.
From here it was downhill all the way and to keep the fitness going we struck out for home running a good stretch of the way. 2 hours 50 minutes in some lovely countryside and weather was a job well done to give us a bit more confidence.